AdvStringGrid Export and Import filters
TExportCellEventArgs Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TExportCellEventArgs.

Format of the cell in Excel where the data will be exported. You can change the format here before the cell is written.  
Date format for the cell if the cell contains a date. This string must be in .NET format, as specified here: If the cell contains a date in the format, it will be added as a date to Excel.  
Defines how the contents in the grid will be exported to Excel. By default, when the event is called, this variable has the value that TAdvExcelExport thinks must go into the cell. You can modify it here in a cell by cell basis, for example, to export some cells as strings even if they contain numbers.  
Column of the cell in the grid that is being exported.  
Row of the cell in the grid that is being exported.  
Time format for the cell if the cell contains a time. This string must be in .NET format, as specified here: If the cell contains a time in the format, it will be added as a time to Excel.  
Contains the text of the cell that is going to be exported. You might modify this value in order to export something different.
Note that this property is of type TCellValue, and while it will always originally contain a string, you might return a TDateTime or a double here, and it will be entered directly into Excel.
If you change this value not to be a string, then what you set in CellFormat doesn't matter, since the type of the TCellValue will be used instead.
Column of the cell in Excel where we will export the data.  
Row of the cell in Excel where we will export the data.  
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